Tim Cook’s Quiet Ascension Through the Ranks of Apple

By Phineas Upham Tim Cook told the graduating class of Auburn University in 2010 that joining Apple led him to the most significant discovery in his life. He’d joined Apple 15 years before, and would soon become the CEO of the company. Cook graduated from Auburn in 1960, so the speech was a return to […]

Nuclear deal with Iran is likely

The United States and world powers known as P5+1 including Russia, China, France, United Kingdom, Germany and the European Union are continuing their negotiations for a framework for a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. Final phase of the negotiations for a frame work agreement are still continuing in Switzerland. In November 2013, Iran […]

Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act

The United States Supreme Court has agreed to review the Federal subsidies under the President Obama’s signature legislation known as Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obama Care. The case before the highest court is King v. Burwell which will be heard by the court on March 4, 2015. If the plaintiff prevails millions of […]

Fraudulent tax filing by hackers

In February, the popular tax filing software, Turbo Tax found increased fraudulent activity in filing state returns and briefly stopped submitting returns. Taxpayers who were affected by the fraudulent activity were unable to file their state tax returns. More than 19 states were affected by the fraudulent tax filing scheme. How could a hacker file […]

How the Cayman Islands Government Derives its Income

Written by Andys Rent-A-Car The Cayman Islands are largely known on an international level as being a tax-free country whether for businesses or for the individual. The most accurate description, however, would be that the islands are “tax-neutral”. Although the Cayman Islands jurisdiction does not till date levy any form of tax on incomes and […]

Fante Klare Zitrone: Great Lymon Taste

By Phineas Upham Sprite is actually a German beverage. It was developed in West Germany in 1959, where it was known by the moniker “Fante Klare Zitrone,” or “Clear Lemon Fanta” in English. 7-Up had been gaining steady popularity in the United States during the late fifties and early sixties, so Coca-Cola needed a product […]

When to Use Mediation in a Construction Dispute

Written by: Lyle Charles Consulting Summary: Disputes in construction & turnaround services are easier to resolve when you utilize mediation. In construction, time is money. Avoiding trial is par for the course as firms try to find a legal resolution without ruining a relationship. The solution to this challenge is private mediation. Mediation is useful […]

Construction Claims and the Mediation Process Simplified

If you’re facing a construction claim or dispute, it can seem like the process is unfairly stacked against you. You may not understand what you need to prove your side, and you could inadvertently risk damaging relationships with important suppliers and builders. Even a simple dispute can mean hours of construction claim preparation. That kind […]

Solving Disputes On Construction Turnaround Services

Time is always money in construction, but turnarounds are on an even tighter schedule. It’s crucial that these plant or refinery shut downs resolve themselves as quickly as possible. The companies paying for these operations are losing money every day their refineries cannot produce, which makes it unfortunate when disputes do occur. Disputes are common […]