The print version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica stops

After 244 years, the print version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica will be discontinued. The 2010 print set which will be the last 32 volume print packed with 44 million words is in store bookshelves now and according to the publisher selling like hot cakes. Encyclopaedia Britannica’s first volume was published in 1768 to 1771 in […]

Jim Marshall and the amplifier

Jim Marshall, the creator of the loud amplifier died at age 88 after suffering from several strokes and cancer. Marshall introduced the amplifier to the rock music arena in 1960s. The stack of amplifiers dominated the industry during the following years. In 1960s The Who, Eric Clapton, and Jimi Hendrix and several decades later AC/DC, […]

Myanmar is heading towards democracy

At Sunday, April 1, 2012 elections, party led by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi won 43 out of 45 seats contested in the by-elections. It was a huge blow to the ruling military-backed government who won the 2010 elections which was boycotted by Suu Kyi. The U.S. government is ready to […]

What next for Russia?

Former President and current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin claim victory following Sunday, March 4, 2012 Russia’s presidential election. Reports indicate that he received over 63% of votes. The outcome was widely expected. The former KGB operative held the office of President for eight years previously. Current President Dmitry Medvedev will become the new Prime Minister. […]

Will Israel attack nuclear sites in Iran?

U.S. President Barack Obama and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conducted talks in Washington D.C. on Monday, March 5, 2012 centered mainly on recent nuclear advances by Iran and its destabilizing impact on the region especially anticipated threat to Israel. Iran claims its efforts are aimed at developing nuclear capability is for peaceful purposes such […]

Killer Tornadoes in the U.S. Midwest

Earlier than normal wave of killer tornadoes, at least 80, swept through the Midwest and South U.S., typically known as the Tornado Alley, which started on Friday, March 2, 2012 and lasted over the weekend. Illinois, Missouri, Indiana and Kentucky are the hardest hit states in the Midwest. At the last count death toll stands […]

Davy Jones and the Monkees

A private burial is planned for 66 year old Davy Johns in Florida where he died on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 from a massive heart attack. David Thomas “Davy” Jones was born on December 30, 1945 in Openshaw, Manchester, England. He started his acting career at age 14 and his musical career in “Oliver”, a […]

The Artist, a silent movie

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awards commonly known as Oscars are scheduled for February 26, 2012 in Los Angeles. The front runner for the Best Picture of the Year Award is “The Artist”. The French made black and white silent movie is marketed and distributed by Weinstein Company. Before the Oscar nomination, […]

Syrian Uprising

Syrians are engaged in an internal struggle to over throw the authoritarian President Bashar al-Assad’s government since January 2011. The Syrian uprising is simultaneous with other Arab Spring struggles in the region. Assad came into power after his father’s, Hafez al-Assad, death. His brother is the leader of the Syrian army. So far, over 6,000 […]

Celebrating President’s Day

Almost all Americans will have a day off on “President’s Day”. The 90th Congress of the United States were trying to streamline a holiday for its forefathers specially for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln passed a new law, The Uniform Monday Holiday Act, declaring third Monday of each February as President’s Day which went into […]