Netflix flexing its muscles

Netflix is making headlines again. It will raise its monthly fee for service by $1 a month for new customers in the near future. News of a price hike will create a glut of new customers to beat the clock. Netflix was experiencing seven percent customer growth for each quarter prior to the announcement. It […]

Power of Egyptian military

Turmoil in Egypt is still continuing since its 2011 revolution that resulted in the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Field Marshal Abdelfatah al-Seesi who ousted democratically elected President Mohamed Mursi recently resigned from his army post to run for the next Egyptian election for President. Many expect him to be the next President of Egypt. Army’s […]

Here’s why Ukraine matters to everyone

Ukraine has become a hot bed of international dealings lately. Russia has assembled a huge army with weapons drawn just a stone throw away from the eastern border of Ukraine. Russian annexation of Crimea within the last month demonstrates that Russian forces are ready to force their way into eastern Ukraine at moment notice. Why […]